1. |
Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
(New York: Praeger, 1989), 212 p. |
2. |
Nihon no Kyokun: Senryakuteki Parugamatisumu no Seiko (Henrik Schmiegelow and Michèle Schmiegelow)
(revised and augmented edition of Strategic Pragmatism in Japanese, transl. by Koei Narusawa and Hiroshii Shimbo (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1991), 332 p. |
3. |
"Economic Development and Environmental Protection: An Imperative of Responsibility for Governments and Enterprises in Industrial and Developing Countries" (Michèle Schmiegelow)
in Korean Sociological Association Ed., Environment and Development: A Sociological Understanding for the Better Human Conditions, (Seoul: Seoul Press,1994), pp.27-43 |