Curriculum vitae:

Born December 29, 1945 in Brussels, Belgium

Married with Henrik Schmiegelow, two sons


Licence en Philosophie et Lettres (Philologie Romane), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)

Licence en Sciences Politiques et Sociales, UCL, Grande Distinction

Master of Arts in Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., USA

Docteur en Sciences Politiques et Sociales, UCL

Diplôme en Sciences Economiques, UCL

Aggrégation de l'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, UCL, Distinction

Positions held:

Consultant, Centre d'Etudes Européennes, UCL

Research Associate, Japan-Europe Economic Research Center (JERC), UCL

Attaché for international relations, Cabinet of the Minister-President of the Walloon Region of Belgium

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Harvard University

Maitre de conférence, UCL

1989 - present:
Professor of International Relations, UCL

Director, Center for Asian Studies, Département des Sciences Politiques et Sociales, UCL

Co-founder and Executive Director, Global Economic Strategy Center, a non-profit association under Belgian Law

Visiting Professor of East Asian History at the Vesalius College Vrye Universiteit, Brussels

Since 2000:
Co-founder and director of the Centre d’études socio-politiques Belgique-Corée, UCL

Since Sept. 2006:
Co-founder of Schmiegelow Partner GbR, International Policy Analysis



1. System Change or System maintenance? Problems of Functionalism in European Monetary Integration
(Université Catholique de Louvain: Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Politiques et Sociales, Nouvelle Série N° 140, 1979), 176 p.
2. Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy
Editor, (Armonk N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1986), 306 p.
3. Japans Antwort auf Krisen und Wandel in der Weltwirtschaft
Editor, (Hamburg: McGraw Hill, 1989), 421 p.
4. Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory
(New York: Praeger, 1989), 212 p., with Henrik Schmiegelowy
5. Nihon no Kyokun: Senryakuteki Puragumatizumu no Seiko
(revised and augmented edition of Strategic Pragmatism in Japanese, transl. by Koei Narusawa and Hiroshii Shimbo (Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 1991), 332 p.
6. "Dossier Démocratie en Asie"
Editor, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée Vol 2 N°1 (Fall 1995), 91 p.
7. Democracy in Asia
Editor, (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, New York: St Martin's Press 1997, 352 pp.)
8. Institutional Competition between Common Law and Civil Law: Theory and Policy
Editor, with Henrik Schmiegelow (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer, 2014)

Articles and contributions to collective publications:

1. "L'entrée de la Roumanie au  FMI et la théorie des relations internationales"
Revue Française de Science Politique (Vol 25, février 1975), pp.213-18.
2. "The New Mercantilism in International Relations: The Case of France's External Monetary Policy"
International Organization (Vol 29, N° 2, Spring 1975), pp. 367-91, with Henrik Schmiegelow.
3. La réforme du droit économique extérieur, la libéralisation des mouvements de capitaux et la situation des banques étrangères au Japon
(Université Catholique de Louvain: Japan-Europe Economic Research Center, 1981), 59 p.
4. "Libéralisation à double tranchant: changements récents du régime régissant les banques étrangères au Japon"
Banque (N° 417, mai 1982), pp.562-67.
5. Change, Policy and Structure in Japan's External Economy: A Survey of Conceptual Questions
(Hamburg: Institute of Asian Affairs, working paper, 1983), 57 p.
6. "Cutting Across Doctrines: Positive Adjustment in Japan"
International Organization (Vol 39, N° 2, Spring 1985), pp. 261-96.
7. "Policies, Structures, and Change in Japan's Economy"
in Michèle Schmiegelow ed., Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy, pp. Vll-XIII.
8. "Reform of Japan's Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law: A Case of Qualitative Economic Policy"
ibid., pp.1-27.
9. "Puissance et interdépendance: le nouveau rôle mondial du Japon"
Res Publica (Vol XXIX N° 4, December 1987), pp. 555-74.
10. "Deng's Reforms and the Development Experience of the ROC"
in King-yuh Chang, ed., Ideology and Politics in Twentieth Century China (Taipei: Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, 1988), pp.150-73, with Henrik Schmiegelow.
11. "Die Rolle der Politik, der Strukturen und des Wandels in der japanischen Wirtschaft"
in Michèle Schmiegelow ed., Japans Antwort auf Krisen und Wandel in der Weltwirtschaft, pp. 11-18.
12. "Die Reform des japanischen Aussenwirtschaftsregimes: ein Beispiel qualitativer Wirtschaftspolitik"
ibid., pp. 19-44.
13. "Japans Wirtschaft und die westliche Theorie: Herausforderung und Übereinstimmung"
ibid., pp. 323-410.
14. "How Japan Affects the International System"
International Organization (Vol 44, N° 4, Autumn 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow, pp. 553-88.
15. "The Revisionists Aren't Looking Beneath The Surface"
International Herald Tribune (January 31th, 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow.
16. "Economics: The Lesson from Japan"
International Herald Tribune (February 1st, 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow.
17. "Union de l'Allemagne: Chance pour l'Europe"
LeVif/L'Express (March 23, 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow.
18. "Pragmatisme stratégique: la leçon du Japon"
LeVif/L'Express (April 12, 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow.
19. "L'enseignement et nous"
La Libre Belgique (July 5, 1990).
20. "A European View of Japan's Success: Strategic Pragmatism is the Key to Winning the Global Competition"
The International Economy (August/September 1990), with Henrik Schmiegelow
21. "Allemagne: les oubliés de la réunification"
L'Express (29 March 1991)
22. "The Asian Newly Industrialized Economies: A Universal Model of Action"
Civilisations, Vol. XL No 1 (Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles), July 1991
23. "How Strategic Pragmatism Can Reform Eastern Economies: Japan and Germany Provide Seven Guides to Ownership"
The International Economy (July/August 1991), with Henrik Schmiegelow
24. "Japan Between Platonian Closure and Socratian Openness"
Leviathan, The Japanese Journal of Political Science, Vol. 10 Special Issue 1992, p. 106
25. "Obei Ijoni Obeitekina Nihon Keizai" (More Western than the West)
Chuokoron Vol. 108, No.1 (January 1993), p. 72-83, with Henrik Schmiegelow
26. "Industrial Policy in Western Europe, the United States and Japan: History, Theory and Recent Practice"
Nihon Keizai (September 7,1993)
27. "Strategic Pragmatism, The Theory of Foreign Direct Investment and the Role of Japanese Corporations in Europe"
(Tokyo: IIES(Toyota Foundation), September 1993), 44 p.
28. "Economie de marché et privatisation: principes et mécanismes"
in La démocratisation en Pologne (Louvain-la-Neuve: UCL, Unité des Relations Internationales et Département de Droit Public, Table Ronde octobre 1992, 1993), pp.79-85.
29. "Dépression ou révolution industrielle?"
Le Vif/L'Express (30 décembre 1993), p.16.
30. "Economic Development and Environmental Protection: An Imperative of Responsibility for Governments and Enterprises in Industrial and Developing Countries"
in Korean Sociological Association ed., Environment and Development: A Sociological Understanding for the Better Human Conditions, (Seoul: Seoul Press,1994), pp.27-43
31. Functional Conditions of Competitiveness in Free Market Economies
(Tokyo: Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute, 1994), 72 pp.
32. "Kyosoryoku-ronso no konran o tadasu" (Putting order in the confusion of the dogmatic dispute on competitiveness)
Chuokoron Vol 110 N° 5 (July 1995), pp. 300-315.
33. "Shiba Shinwa o Kutsugaeshita Nichibeidoku no Kawase Seisaku Kyocho"
(The Japan-US-German Exchange Rate Policy Coordination that Shattered a Market Myth), Toyo Keizai Shukan, Septembre 9, 1995, pp. 22-25.
34. "Démocratie en Asie: cultures, pouvoir, économie et civilisation"
Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée Vol 2 N°1 (Fall 1995), pp. 237-254
35. "Chinas Zukunft in Asien: Attraktionspol oder Bedrohung?"
University of Karlsruhe: Springer Verlag, 1996)
36. "The Meaning of Democracy in Asia"
in Democracy in Asia, pp.21-59
37. "Cultures, Power, Economics and Civilisation"
in ibid., pp.531-548.
38. "Domestic Political Change in Asia: An Overview"
Kudan Square (Tokyo: Fall 1996), pp.4-5.
39. "Doctrinal Amendments for a Functional EMU? A Few Reminiscences of Economic History"
in Paul J.J. Welfens ed., European Monetary Union: Transition, International Impact and Policy Options, Berlin: Springer, 1997, pp. 419-25.
40. "Pluralism and Democracy"
in Hanns Maull, Gerald Segal & Jusuf Wanandi eds., Europe and the Asia Pacific (London & New York: Routledge, 1998), pp.22-32.
41. " 'Asian' Capitalism: Explanation for both Success and Failure?"
Asien, January 1999.
42. "Die Zukunft der Demokratie in Asien"
in Hanns W. Maull, Gerald Segal and Jusuf Wanandi Hrsg., Europa und Asien-Pazifik, Grundlagen, Entwicklungslinien und Perspektiven der europäisch-asiatischen Beziehungen, München, Oldenbourg, 1999, p. 66-77
43. "Religionen und Werte im internationalen System?"
Internationale Politik, Berlin, 2/2000, pp.219-224.
44. “Nouvelle stratégie de sécurité pour l’Asie du Nord-Est“
Ministère de la Défence, Berne, 2001
45. “Senriaku teki puragumatisumu ni tachi kaere: Nihon keizai e no shohosen” (Recover Strategic Pragmatism: the prescription for the Japanese Economy)
Tokyo: JCER (Japan Center for Economic Research) Bulletin, 1/10/2002, N°895, pp.4-10.
46. “Asiens drei Horizonte”
Internationale Politik, Berlin, 2/2003, pp. 1-9
47. “Which Recipe for the Japanese Economy?”
Asien, N° 87, April 2003, pp.78-86
48. "Les sources et ressources de la politique étrangère de l'Allemagne et du Japon"
in Claude Roosens et al., eds., La politique étrangère: le modèle classique à l'épreuve, Claude Roosens et al. eds. Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2004
49. “Europe and Asia Security: Global or Regional Concerns ?”
in Asia and Europe: Towards Greater Intercultural Exchanges (Sixth ASEF University, Bangkok: Asia Europe Foundation and Center for European Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Dec. 2004)
50. “Koizumi’s Foreign Policy”
Diplomatic World, Vol. 10, March 2006
51. "Beyond the East-West / Asia-Europe / North-South Divides: Prospects for the Future of Democracy, in Chung Se Ahn and Bertrand Fort"
Democracy in Asia, Europe and the World: Towards a Universal Definition, Singapore: Marshal Cavendish International, 2006
52. “The Road to an Asian Community”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter 2007), p. 10-17, with Henrik Schmiegelow
53. “Gullivers Fesseln: die Welt als Problemlösungsgemeinschaft”
Internationale Politik, Vol. 63. No. 7-8 July/August 2008, pp 18-26, with Henrik Schmiegelow
54. “Gulliver's Shackles”
Internationale Politik Global Edition, Vol. 9, No.4 (Winter 2008), p. 54-61, with Henrik Schmiegelow
55. « International Contracts and Legal Origins Theory »
In Marcel Fontaine and Denis Philippe (Editors), International Contracts and Arbitration, Bruxelles, Editions Larcier, 2014, pp. 75-101

Grants and honors:

Grant of the Volkswagen Foundation for research on "Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy"

Grant of the Banque Nationale de Belgique for research on "Democracy and Democratization in Asia"

Prize of the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Foundation for Strategic Pragmatism, Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory, shared with Henrik Schmiegelow

Grant of the Japan Foundation for the Colloquium "Democracy in Asia"

Grant of the Toyota Foundation for the publication of "Democracy in Asia"

Grant of the Korea Research Foundation for research on "Strategies for the Unification of Divided Countries: Lessons for Korea from the German Case"
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